أهم 350 كلمة بالإنجليزية 

أهم 350 كلمة بالإنجليزية 

أهم 350 كلمة بالإنجليزية


لا شك أن اللغة الإنجليزية لديها الكثير و الكثير من المفردات، ولكن في تلك المقالة سوف اقدم لكم أشهر و أهم 350 كلمة بالإنجليزية


أهم 350 كلمة بالإنجليزية

أهم 350 كلمة بالإنجليزية
أهم 350 كلمة بالإنجليزية

1. Ability – القدرة: She has the ability to solve complex problems.
2. Accept – يقبل: He accepted the invitation to the party.
3. Achieve – يحقق: They worked hard to achieve their goals.
4. Act – يتصرف: She decided to act in the school play.
5. Admire – يعجب: I admire her courage and determination.
6. Advise – ينصح: The doctor advised him to get more rest.
7. Agree – يتفق: We all agreed to go on a trip together.
8. Allow – يسمح: My parents allowed me to stay out late.
9. Angry – غاضب: He was angry about the unfair treatment.
10. Appear – يظهر: The sun appeared from behind the clouds.
11. Apply – يتقدم بطلب: She applied for a job at the company.
12. Arrive – يصل: They will arrive at the airport tomorrow.
13. Ask – يسأل: She asked me a question about the assignment.
14. Attack – يهاجم: The lion attacked its prey in the wild.
15. Avoid – يتجنب: He tried to avoid the busy traffic.
16. Baby – طفل: The baby smiled at its mother.
17. Bad – سيء: I had a bad day at work.
18. Beautiful – جميل: The sunset was a beautiful sight.
19. Begin – يبدأ: The concert will begin in a few minutes.
20. Believe – يؤمن: She believes in the power of positive thinking.


المزيد من الكلمات:

أهم 350 كلمة بالإنجليزية
أهم 350 كلمة بالإنجليزية

21. Below – أدناه: The temperature dropped below freezing.
22. Best – الأفضل: He won the award for the best performance.
23. Big – كبير: They live in a big house.
24. Book – كتاب: I enjoy reading a good book.
25. Boy – صبي: The boy played soccer in the park.
26. Brave – شجاع: She showed bravery in the face of danger.
27. Break – يكسر: He accidentally broke the vase.
28. Build – يبني: They plan to build a new school.
29. Business – عمل: He runs his own business.
30. Buy – يشتري: She wants to buy a new car.
31. Call – يتصل: I will call you later.
32. Can – يستطيع: She can speak three languages.
33. Car – سيارة: He drove his car to work.
34. Care – يهتم: She cares about the environment.
35. Cat – قطة: The cat is sleeping on the couch.
36. Center – مركز: The city center is busy with shops and restaurants.
37. Change – يغير: They decided to change their plans.
38. Check – يتحقق: Please check the spelling of your name.
39. Child – طفل: The children played happily in the park.
40. Choose – يختار: She had to choose between the two options.


 المزيد من الكلمات:

أهم 350 كلمة بالإنجليزية
أهم 350 كلمة بالإنجليزية

41. City – مدينة: New York City is known as “The Big Apple.”
42. Clean – نظيف: She likes to keep her house clean.
43. Close – قريب: The supermarket is close to my house.
44. Cold – بارد: Bundle up, it’s cold outside!
45. Color – لون: She painted the walls a bright color.
46. Come – يأتي: Please come to the meeting on time.
47. Company – شركة: He works for a multinational company.
48. Computer – حاسوب: I use my computer every day for work.
49. Country – بلد: They visited a beautiful country last summer.
50. Cousin – ابن العم أو الخال: My cousin is coming to visit next week.
51. Cow – بقرة: The cow grazes in the field.
52. Create – يخلق: She loves to create art in her free time.
53. Cry – يبكي: The baby started to cry.
54. Dance – رقص: They danced all night at the wedding.
55. Dark – مظلم: It’s too dark to see anything without a flashlight.
56. Daughter – ابنة: His daughter is studying medicine.
57. Day – يوم: Sunday is my favorite day of the week.
58. Dead – ميت: The flowers were wilting and almost dead.
59. Decide – يقرر: They need to decide on a vacation destination.
60. Deep – عميق: The lake is deep and clear.


 المزيد من الكلمات- أهم 350 كلمة بالإنجليزية

61. Delicious – لذيذ: The cake she baked was absolutely delicious.
62. Dog – كلب: They have a friendly dog as a pet.
63. Door – باب: Please close the door when you leave.
64. Down – أسفل: The ball rolled down the hill.
65. Draw – يرسم: She likes to draw pictures in her sketchbook.
66. Dream – حلم: He had a vivid dream about flying.
67. Drink – يشرب: I’m thirsty; I need to drink some water.
68. Drive – يقود: He learned how to drive a car at a young age.
69. Dry – جاف: Hang the wet clothes out to dry in the sun.
70. Ear – أذن: He whispered something into her ear.
71. Eat – يأكل: We decided to eat dinner at a new restaurant.
72. Education – تعليم: Education is the key to a bright future.
73. Egg – بيضة: She cracked an egg into the bowl.
74. Eight – ثمانية: There are eight chairs around the table.
75. Elderly – مسن: The elderly man needed assistance crossing the street.
76. Elephant – فيل: Elephants are known for their large size and long trunks.
77. Empty – فارغ: The room was empty; all the furniture had been removed.
78. End – نهاية: The movie had a surprising twist at the end.
79. Enjoy – يستمتع: They enjoyed their vacation on the beach.
80. Enter – يدخل: Please enter your password to access the account.


 المزيد من الكلمات:


81. Escape – يفلت: The prisoner managed to escape from jail.
82. Excited – متحمس: She was excited about her upcoming vacation.
83. Exercise – ممارسة: He goes to the gym to exercise regularly.
84. Expensive – مكلف: That designer handbag is too expensive for me.
85. Eye – عين: She has beautiful blue eyes.
86. Face – وجه: He had a smile on his face.
87. Family – عائلة: They gathered with their extended family for a reunion.
88. Famous – مشهور: She is a famous actress in Hollywood.
89. Far – بعيد: The store is too far to walk; we need to drive.
90. Fast – سريع: He ran as fast as he could to catch the bus.
91. Father – أب: Her father is a doctor.
92. Fear – خوف: She has a fear of heights.
93. Feel – يشعر: I feel tired after a long day at work.
94. Fight – يقاتل: The two boxers will fight in the championship match.
95. Find – يجد: She couldn’t find her keys anywhere.
96. Finish – ينهي: He worked hard to finish his project on time.
97. Fire – حريق: The firefighters quickly extinguished the fire.
98. Fish – سمك: They went fishing at the lake.
99. Five – خمسة: She bought five apples from the grocery store.
100. Floor – أرضية: The cat likes to sleep on the floor.


المزيد من الكلمات:


101. Flower – زهرة: She received a bouquet of beautiful flowers.
102. Fly – يطير: The birds fly high in the sky.
103. Follow – يتبع: Please follow the instructions carefully.
104. Food – طعام: They prepared a delicious meal with fresh food.
105. Foot – قدم: He injured his foot while playing soccer.
106. Forget – ينسى: Don’t forget to bring your umbrella.
107. Fork – شوكة: Can you pass me a fork, please?
108. Four – أربعة: There are four people in our family.
109. Friend – صديق: She has known her best friend since childhood.
110. Funny – مضحك: The comedian’s jokes were really funny.
111. Future – مستقبل: She is optimistic about her future.
112. Game – لعبة: They played a board game together.
113. Garden – حديقة: She likes to plant flowers in her garden.
114. Gift – هدية: He received a thoughtful gift for his birthday.
115. Girl – فتاة: The little girl danced with joy.
116. Give – يعطي: She generously gave her time to volunteer.
117. Glass – زجاجة: She poured some water into a glass.
118. Good – جيد: He did a good job on his school project.
119. Grandfather – جد: Her grandfather tells the best stories.
120. Grandmother – جدة: She learned how to bake from her grandmother.


 المزيد من الكلمات:


121. Grass – عشب: The children played on the green grass.
122. Great – رائع: It was a great day at the beach.
123. Green – أخضر: The leaves on the trees turned green in the spring.
124. Group – مجموعة: They formed a study group to prepare for the exam.
125. Grow – ينمو: The plants grow quickly in fertile soil.
126. Hair – شعر: She has long, beautiful hair.
127. Hand – يد: He extended his hand for a handshake.
128. Happy – سعيد: They were happy to see each other again.
129. Hat – قبعة: She wore a stylish hat to the party.
130. Have – لديه: They have a lovely home by the beach.
131. Head – رأس: He wore a hat to protect his head from the sun.
132. Heart – قلب: She listened to her heart when making the decision.
133. Heavy – ثقيل: The box was too heavy for her to lift.
134. Help – يساعد: Can you help me carry these bags?
135. Here – هنا: I am waiting for you here at the park.
136. High – عالي: The airplane flew at a high altitude.
137. History – تاريخ: She enjoys learning about history.
138. Hit – يضرب: The baseball player hit the ball out of the park.
139. Hold – يمسك: Hold my hand and don’t let go.
140. Holiday – عطلة: They went on a vacation during the holiday season.


 المزيد من الكلمات:


141. Home – منزل: They felt safe and comfortable in their home.
142. Hope – أمل: She never lost hope during difficult times.
143. Horse – حصان: They went horseback riding in the countryside.
144. Hospital – مستشفى: He visited his friend in the hospital.
145. Hot – ساخن: Be careful, the coffee is hot.
146. House – بيت: They bought a new house in the suburbs.
147. How – كيف: How did you solve the math problem?
148. Hundred – مئة: He counted to a hundred in seconds.
149. Hungry – جوعان: She felt hungry after skipping breakfast.
150. Hurry – يستعجل: We need to hurry or we’ll be late.
151. Hurt – يؤلم: She hurt her knee while playing soccer.
152. Ice – ثلج: The children enjoyed ice cream on a hot day.
153. Idea – فكرة: He came up with a brilliant idea.
154. If – إذا: If it rains, we’ll stay indoors.
155. Important – مهم: It’s important to prioritize your health.
156. In – في: The keys are in the drawer.
157. Interesting – مثير للاهتمام: The book had an interesting plot.
158. Internet – الإنترنت: They use the internet to research information.
159. Job – وظيفة: He found a new job after months of searching.
160. Join – ينضم: They invited her to join their club.


 المزيد من الكلمات- أهم 350 كلمة بالإنجليزية


161. Joke – نكتة: He told a funny joke that made everyone laugh.
162. Jump – يقفز: The cat tried to jump onto the counter.
163. Keep – يحتفظ: Please keep the door closed.
164. Key – مفتاح: She couldn’t find the key to her car.
165. Kind – لطيف: He is a kind and generous person.
166. Kitchen – مطبخ: She enjoys cooking in her spacious kitchen.
167. Know – يعرف: I know the answer to that question.
168. Language – لغة: She is fluent in multiple languages.
169. Last – آخر: This is the last piece of cake.
170. Laugh – يضحك: The comedy show made everyone laugh.
171. Lazy – كسول: He spends his weekends being lazy and relaxing.
172. Learn – يتعلم: She wants to learn how to play the piano.
173. Leave – يغادر: They decided to leave the party early.
174. Left – يسار: Turn left at the next intersection.
175. Leg – ساق: He injured his leg while playing soccer.
176. Lesson – درس: She studied hard for her math lesson.
177. Letter – رسالة: She received a heartfelt letter from a friend.
178. Library – مكتبة: He spent hours studying at the library.
179. Light – ضوء: She turned on the light to brighten the room.
180. Listen – يستمع: They sat quietly to listen to the music.


 المزيد من الكلمات:


181. Little – صغير: The puppy was cute and little.
182. Live – يعيش: They live in a small apartment downtown.
183. Long – طويل: She has long, flowing hair.
184. Look – ينظر: Look at the beautiful sunset!
185. Love – يحب: They love spending time together.
186. Lunch – غداء: Let’s meet for lunch at the café.
187. Machine – آلة: The new machine makes tasks easier.
188. Magazine – مجلة: She enjoys reading fashion magazines.
189. Mail – بريد: He received a letter in the mail.
190. Map – خريطة: They used a map to navigate the city.
191. Market – سوق: They went shopping at the local market.
192. Marriage – زواج: They celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary.
193. Match – مباراة: He watched the football match on TV.
194. May – قد: She may arrive late due to traffic.
195. Meal – وجبة: They cooked a delicious meal together.
196. Meet – يلتقي: Let’s meet at the park tomorrow.
197. Memory – ذاكرة: The photograph brought back fond memories.
198. Message – رسالة: He sent her a heartfelt message.
199. Midnight – منتصف الليل: They stayed up until midnight to celebrate.
200. Mind – عقل: He couldn’t get her out of his mind.


المزيد من الكلمات:

201. matter – مادة

202. mean – يعني

203. measure – يقيس

204. meat – لحم

205. meet – يلتقي

206. memory – ذاكرة

207. mention – يذكر

208. message – رسالة

209. metal – معدن

210. method – طريقة

211. middle – وسط

212. might – قوة

213. mile – ميل

214. milk – حليب

215. mind – عقل

216. mine – منجم

217. minute – دقيقة

218. mirror – مرآة

219. miss – يفتقد

220. mistake – خطأ

221. mix – يخلط

222. model – نموذج

223. modern – حديث

224. moment – لحظة

225. money – مال

226. monkey – قرد

227. month – شهر

228. moon – قمر

229. more – أكثر

230. morning – صباح

231. most – معظم

232. mother – أم

233. mountain – جبل

234. mouse – فأر

235. mouth – فم

236. move – يتحرك

237. movie – فيلم

238. Mr. – السيد

239. Mrs. – السيدة

240. much – كثير

241. music – موسيقى

242. must – يجب

243. my – لي

244. mystery – لغز

245. nail – مسمار

246. name – اسم

247. nation – أمة

248. nature – طبيعة

249. near – قريب

250. necessary – ضروري

251. need – يحتاج

252. negative – سلبي

253. neither – لا أحد منهما

254. net – شبكة

255. never – أبداً

256. new – جديد

257. news – أخبار

258. next – التالي

259. nice – لطيف

260. night – ليل

261. noise – ضجيج

262. north – شمال

263. note – ملاحظة

264. nothing – لا شيء

265. novel – رواية

266. now – الآن

267. nowhere – في أي مكان

268. number – رقم

269. nurse – ممرضة

270. object – شيء

271. observe – يلاحظ

272. ocean – محيط

273. of – من

274. offer – يقدم

275. office – مكتب

276. often – غالباً

277. oil – زيت

278. old – قديم

279. on – على

280. once – مرة واحدة

281. one – واحد

282. only – فقط

283. open – يفتح

284. opposite – مقابل

285. or – أو

286. orange – برتقال

287. order – ترتيب

288. ordinary – عادي


المزيد من الكلمات- أهم 350 كلمة بالإنجليزية



289. organize – ينظم

290. original – أصلي

291. other – آخر

292. ought – ينبغي

293. our – لنا

294. out – خارج

295. over – فوق

296. own – خاص

297. page – صفحة

298. pain – ألم

299. paint – يرسم

300. paper – ورق

301. parent – والد

302. park – حديقة

303. part – جزء

304. party – حفلة

305. pass – يمر

306. past – ماضٍ

307. path – طريق

308. patient – مريض

309. pattern – نمط

310. pay – يدفع

311. peace – سلام

312. pen – قلم

313. pencil – قلم رصاص

314. people – ناس

315. perhaps – ربما

316. period – فترة

317. person – شخص

318. pet – حيوان أليف

319. picture – صورة

320. piece – قطعة

321. place – مكان

322. plan – خطة

323. plant – نبات

324. plate – طبق

325. play – يلعب

326. please – من فضلك

327. pleasant – ممتع

328. plenty – وفرة

329. point – نقطة

330. poison – سم

331. police – شرطة

332. policy – سياسة

333. polite – مهذب

334. poor – فقير

335. popular – شائع

336. port – ميناء

337. position – موقع

338. possible – ممكن

339. post – بر

340. potato – بطاطس

341. pound – جنيه

342. power – قوة

343. practice – ممارسة

344. praise – يمدح

345. pray – يصلي

346. prepare – يستعد

347. present – حاضر

348. president – رئيس

349. press – يضغط

350. pretty – جميل

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